Oakdale After School Sports and Instruction
(2011-2012 After School Program of the Year – Stanislaus County)
Does your student need?
Extra help on homework or a class project.
A classroom to complete homework before athletic practice.
A friendly and safe environment to be after school.
A place to meet new friends and participate in a variety of enrichment classes.
Or simply a quiet room to study until they can be picked up from school.
Our OASIS program has you covered!!!!!!!
From 2:30 to 6:00 pm, our after school program is open to all students, every day at absolutely no charge. Student may attend any day that they choose. OASIS classrooms are taught by our regular day instructors in their classrooms. All core subjects are represented each day with a variety of enrichment classes such as Claymation, Podcasting, Sign Language, Computers, and intramural sports starting at 3:45.
Your student may come just for the 2:30-3:30 homework help or stay for snack and the enrichment classes that will run until 6:00 pm. However, in order to attend an enrichment class they must be present for homework help class.
Student may also attend our larger activities that take place on minimum days such as Stonehenge climbing wall, the Falconer, and Presenters of the Past. Student must simply sign up with Ms. Dias before the minimum day so we have adequate staffing.
PARENTS – simply fill out the registration on the back and return it with the first day packet or the front office and your students will be enrolled in OASIS and may begin attending at anytime you choose.
Any questions, please contact
Jon Webb, Vice Principal – 847-2294
Quotes from our students about OASIS:
Duck- "I like OASIS 'cause I get to do my homework."
Sierra- "You get to have fun, hang out with friends, and do your homework."
Drew- "I like OASIS because you get time to play."
Kourtney- "I like OASIS 'cause I get to hang out with Ms. Dias and Ms. Jepson."
Anthony- "I like to go to OASIS because fo the fun activities in enrichment."
Mike- "I have a safe place to stay until my parents can pick me up."
OASIS is a program after school to help students homework. Many teachers have opened there doors helping student with science, math, history, English, or any other class they need help with. The first hour is strictly for homework. They are provided with a ten minute break with snacks. Right after snack, they head back into a class room to start the enrichment programs.
The Enrichment programs are fun and exciting. There are: Medieval, rec., sports, science lab, cooking, and many more. Everyday there is different program.
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